
 I haven't touched this blog in a long time, but I will be back posting again.

I am going to mostly use this blog to share magazine scans from the 90s and 00s of women in music. I was using Pintrest (and still have boards there full of stuff) but wasn't happy with how they reduce the quality of the images making most of the print unreadable. I have been blogging at retro junk but didn't want to clog that up with music stuff so here is where you will find all my magazine scans in high quality.

The previous posts I made on the blog have gone a but weird as I changed the blog format back to something simple at least for now. 

Also I still make Ladykillers zine. Issue 1 (the 90s issue) and issue 2 (the 00s issue) are out now through etsy and I have just started working on Issue 3!
